If your property is vacant or the tenant fails to pay on time (or at all) you will still get paid, in full, on a specific date every month. No need to chase tenants, or worry about having to cover the cost of rent arrears or any empty periods.
There are no charges whatsoever for setting the contract up, there are no tenant find fees, no commission and absolutely no "hidden costs" to pay.
We effectively become your tenant, so at check out, we cover the cost of internal damages up to 1.5 months' rent, so if things do get damaged, we take the financial hit.
You will never be bothered with questions, requests or complaints from tenants - that becomes our responsibility, so. being a landlord can now be hassle free.
On occassion there may be a need for court action to evict a tenant or recover rental arrears. This can be both time-consuming and costly. With Guaranteed Rent we will cover all legal costs & also manage the process whilst you continue to receive all rental payments due.
We basically become your tenant.
This guarantees you a fixed annual rental income which is paid regardless of whether the property is empty or payment from the tenant stops. We then sub-let the property and take great care in selecting the right kind of tenants.
This is our priority because if they stop paying, or leave suddenly or damage the property we then take the financial hit rather than you.
When we sub-let your property we take the normal deposit from the tenant.
This deposit is then registered with one of the approved deposit protection services. When the tenant checks out, this deposit is used to cover the cost of any damages that might have been incurred.
We look at the market rate for your property and then offer you a monthly rental value that is slightly less than we hope to charge a sub-tenant.
This completely removes all the risk and hassle associated with more traditional lettings options and is highly competitive.
We can offer contract durations of anywhere from 12 months to 5 years.
We will be flexible with payment dates, contract terms, conditions & start dates.
The right choice of letting service for each landlord is different.
It essentially depends on the level of responsibility and risk that they are willing to take. Our Guaranteed rent service best suits landlords who want the stability of knowing that their rental income will be guaranteed each month but without having any responsibility for its upkeep.